Kaipo's story

Patient: Kaipo was 17 years-old, excited to be playing the first rugby game of the 2020 season in Palmerston North, New Zealand. Within the first 20 minutes she was lying on the field in agony after a tackle collision left her knee in the worse pain she had ever f

Kaipo was 17 years-old, excited to be playing the first rugby game of the 2020 season in Palmerston North, New Zealand. Within the first 20 minutes she was lying on the field in agony after a tackle collision left her knee in the worse pain she had ever felt. She was “gutted”.

An ambulance was called, with the paramedics advising her to go home and apply ice. Kaipo consulted with a Sports Physician on the Monday, who told her about the novel Cross Bracing Protocol. Her MRI had shown that Kaipo would be a good CBP candidate, and she was given 4 days to think about it. She took a leap of faith and her brace was applied on the Friday, within the ideal window of 4 to 7 days post injury.

Kaipo found her time in the brace tough, but it went by quickly. She celebrated each step in the protocol as she was progressively allowed more knee movement within her brace. She surrounded herself with positive people, and tried to look at the bright side, letting any negative thoughts pass with the moment.

Her family were a huge support, making sure she was rarely alone and well cared for.Kaipo visited the physio a few times a week and continued going to the gym to work on her upper body and uninjured leg. She maintained a healthy diet, cutting back on fast food because she “couldn’t run it off”.

Advice Kaipo gives to others:
  • Surround yourself with positive and supportive people.
  • Trust the process, and trust in the people around you.
  • You know your own body, listen to it during the healing process.

At her 12 week review, her MRI showed her ACL had healed well. She was elated at the thought of returning to the field. After recovering from her injury Kaipo was selected for the Hurricanes Poua Women’s team and was named Hurricanes Poua player of the year.

Now, at 20 years of age, Kaipo is at her peak and feels the fittest she’s ever felt. In 2022 she made her test debut, playing with the Black Ferns to represent her country. She scored a try and was named player of the match. No doubt the best is yet to come.


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