Patient: Sandra is a Doctor of Physical Therapy that practices in the United States in the state of Texas in which she became the first USA patient to take on this pioneering journey by rehabbing herself along with Dr. Cross’s support.
Sandra was able to get on track with the Cross Bracing protocol fairly quickly due to being up to date with the latest research and already knowing about the ACL capability to heal even previous to her suffering from a right ACL full tear in early February 2023. Thankfully for Sandra she had never suffered any major injuries thus this was her first major injury. This injury occurred while playing football and trying to make an aggressive cut against a male player. She was devastated especially since she had treated many patients after an ACL reconstruction and knew exactly what the surgical route could entail including a high rate of re-tears. That being said, she didn’t settle for the norm and trusted the current research that was emerging.
Given that she was the first ever patient in the USA to perform the Cross Bracing protocol, she felt lost and heavily had to rely on her previous knowledge of treating her patients and guidance of Dr. Cross. She was not able to get any medical support in the USA due to medical providers not supporting what she was doing despite bringing about the latest research. Nonetheless, she decided to be courageous not only for the sake of her knee but also for what this could mean for her future patients. She hopes to share her story with as many American people as possible given that she knows that the USA is behind in keeping up with current literature even though ACL healing has been reported much previously to the Cross Bracing protocol.
Sandra is an accomplished football player and was able to play for two years at the women’s club team at the University of Texas at Austin. After finishing her doctorate’s, Sandra continued being an avid football player and was consistently performing weight training such as doing Crossfit.
Given that her injury only occurred 5 months ago and it is not recommended as per protocol or general indications after suffering an ACL tear to return to sport, she has not made a return to football yet. She has been able to rejoin her Crossfit gym and continues with weight training and motor control exercises to continue to best rehabilitate herself.
Advice Sandra has for others:
You can actually manage to do this on your own.
Having a family member is great but if you don’t have the help, you can still make it work.
Be patient
The waiting game can seem like the hardest part but I promise it will be worth it at the end.
Be consistent
Keep up with your exercises. There are still so many things you can do while being braced and do not forget to load your other leg appropriately.
Sandra has achieved the max potential of ACL healing even while not having any physical guidance and has no doubt that she has made the right decision. She believes the Cross Bracing protocol is a revolutionary protocol that will massively change how ACL tears are treated and will provide much better results compared to an ACL reconstruction.
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