The Cross Bracing Protocol

The Cross Bracing Protocol can be summarised as a weekly schedule of rehabilitation activities, supported with an appropriate bracing protocol

BJSM Cross Bracing Protocol Article

The Cross Bracing Protocol research paper, recently published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, summarises years of research into developing a novel approach to treating ACL injuries without surgery.

Criteria for ACL Treatment Decisions

Following acute injury to the ACL there has been until recently 2 main treatment options. These are presented below in addition to the novel 3rd treatment option for, The “Cross Bracing Protocol”.

5 steps to healing an ACL

The ACL is arguably the most important ligament that stabilises the knee to facilitate a broad range of movements and activities. A progressive approach to healing is recommended

Sports and ACL Injury Risk

Sports that involve rapid changes in direction, pivoting/side stepping sudden stops, jumping and landing or physical contact can all place stress on the ACL (anterior cruciate ligament), making it susceptible to injury.

Practical Tips for Cross Bracing Protocol

Bracing with the Cross Bracing Protocol

Your movement, and ability to bear weight, will be limited if you are on the Cross Bracing Protocol (CBP). Here are some practical tips to help you better manage and optimise your healing.


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